Poster Archive : JUNE 2009

Message: God still hears
Bible verse: Romans 8:26 In the same way, the (Holy Spirit) helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
Frenchman Lluis Colet took his gift of the gab to extremes in January this year after setting a world record for the longest talk. The local government worker spoke non-stop for 124 hours (five days and four hours) about the Spanish painter Salvador Dali and Catalan culture. Pity the judges who had to sit through it - and stay awake.
With nearly 6.8 billion people on the planet there are a lot of words being spoken. But do you ever feel sometimes that no one's listening? That everyone's so busy that friendships have been reduced to text messages, emails and diary entries?
Well, please know that, in amongst all the speaking, texting, twittering, emailing and junk mail... in amongst all the electronic buzz and crackle ... God still hears you. When you feel overwhelmed, or misheard, or not heard at all, God knows your needs. He loves you and when you come to him in frustration or desperation or just quiet despondency, he is there. He is listening.
If you've never spoken to God then God is ready to listen to you right now. And even if you do know God as a friend but have been out of touch for a while, God is still ready to listen. The Bible has this to say about the wonder of communing with God:
"In the same way, the (Holy Spirit) helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." (Romans 8:26)
Sometimes when things are really, really bad we just don't know what to say to God. All we can do is groan in our inner being as we come to Him in prayer.
Jesus groaned too when he was crucified upon the cross - bearing the weight of all our sins on his shoulders. That's an intensely loving and caring God who is personally affected by the troubles of this world. God is not distant and unmoved by your situation. He sent Jesus into the world to help you.
So you don't need fancy words. You don't need to wait until Sunday. You don't need a prayer book. Instead, speak from the heart. Be honest. Take your troubles to Jesus, put them at His feet and trust that He is in control.
Prayer: Dear God, you know my troubles, they are too many to list. Please forgive me. Please help me. AMEN.