Poster Archive : JANUARY 2009

Message: Hearing Aid

Bible verse: John 5:24 Jesus said: "whoever hears my word and believes ... has eternal life"

From 100-channel cable television to the 24 billion pages of the worldwide web - you'd be forgiven for thinking that life is all about images. But when it comes to turning points in life, it all comes down to words. Marriages, business deals, political alliances, career advancements and lifelong friendships all start with words.

But of all the words that affected history, there are none that come close to the words of Jesus. Even Napoleon admitted, for all that he'd been able to achieve with guns and swords, that the words of Jesus changed lives more than any general. "Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creation of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him."

Jesus' words could change your life just as powerfully as they've changed the history of the world. In any church you'll find lives that have been turned around by Jesus. Porn addicts who are now faithful husbands.

Anorexics who've learnt to feel loved and now look after themselves. Violent men who've become men of peace. They've turned from destruction to life.

But these changes are only a taste of the changes that Jesus brings. To those people who hear his words, and put them into action, Jesus promises the greatest transformation of all. To be taken from death to life. Just as he rose from death, he promises he will raise us up to new life too.

How do you hear Jesus words today? No, you won't need mind-altering drugs or some mystical experience high on a mountain. You can hear Jesus speak to you today with a very simple piece of technology that almost anybody can afford: it's called a Bible.

In the Scripture you'll not only find all the words of Jesus that God wants you to know. You'll also hear everything God wants to say to you about your life, how to live, and how to know him. That's why the Bible even says of itself that "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."

Prayer: God thank you that the world got to hear your voice in Jesus. And I get to hear that voice on any day in your Bible. AMEN.

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