Archive Poster : October 2021

Forgiveness is hard. It is painful. It can be slow and gruelling. Yet there are no relationships in which forgiveness is not necessary.

The forgiveness the Bible speaks of is not turning a blind eye to the wrong committed against you, it is not pretending you are ok, it is not convincing yourself you deserved it or that the wrong doing wasn't that big a deal. On the contrary, biblical forgiveness looks the offense in the eye, names it for what it is, acknowledges all its painful consequences, weeps over what has been done and lost, and in so doing says, "I love you still."

If you are struggling to forgive someone you love, look to Jesus. He is not only the perfect example of the painful path of forgiveness, he is the one we need to be forgiven by.

In Matthew 26:28 Jesus, knowing he was soon to be nailed to a wooden cross, explains his willing sacrifice for the sake of others, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." For Jesus, forgiveness means choosing a cruel undeserved death for the sake of the beloved wrong doer.

Jesus looks our sin in the eye, our disobedience, distrust, and disrespect for God, and says, "I'm not going to let this come between us." He would rather absorb the horrific consequences of our sin himself than be separated from us forever. On the cross we see how costly forgiveness is and how much we all need it.

Have you asked God to forgive you? He is willing and waiting.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Please forgive me. Please help me to see the great price you paid to bring me forgiveness. Please help me in the painful task of forgiving others. In Jesus name, Amen.

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