Archive Poster : July 2023

What would you think of a man who used his power to forcibly have sex with a woman? But he didn't stop there. This woman was married and after finding out she'd become pregnant through his sexual assault he tried to make it look like the baby belonged to her husband. When this failed he once again used his power to arrange the husband to be killed. It's reprehensible behaviour. Unforgivable, many would say. This is the biblical story behind Psalm 51 - the story of King David.

Remarkably the Bible doesn't shy away from the horror of human sinfulness. The sins of even the heroes of the faith, like King David, are recorded in explicit detail. Disturbing as it is to read such an account, it assures us that the biblical worldview is not one of toxic positivity and whitewashed history. In the stories of the Bible we recognise the abominable ways humans can treat each other for personal gain or pleasure. The type of behaviour we still see today. It wouldn't take long to think of church or world leaders who have behaved very similarly to King David.

What about you? Have you ever done something that you feel ashamed of? Perhaps the shame led you to try and cover it up or even deny it ever happened. Perhaps this led you into more wrongs or trouble. Or perhaps rather than a big shameful event you know that everyday you make decisions for personal gain that hurt others - gossip that puts others down, anger that verbally assaults, purchases that keep you comfortable and others poor...

Eventually King David had the courage to face up to and take responsibility for his dreadful actions "I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me..." (Psalm 51:3). Knowing his sin was not merely a "poor decision" but heart-deep he calls on God to forgive and change him.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God" Psalm 51:10

Maybe you don't think King David should be forgiven. But don't we all need forgiveness? Don't we all need God's divine power to change our heart-deep problems? The outrageous forgiveness God granted David is also available to each of us. This is confirmed in the New Testament letter 1 John 1:8-9 "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

Are you willing to own up to your wrongs, to confess your inner sins and to receive the lavish forgiveness and heart change Jesus offers you?

Prayer: Dear God, I admit I am a sinner. I ignore you and do things for my own gain and pleasure at the expense of others. Please forgive me and create in me a pure heart through Jesus Christ. Amen.

© Outreach Media 2023

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