Current Poster : DECEMBER 2008
Message: King Size Bed
Bible verse: Rev. 19:16 King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Being a celebrity definitely comes with its perks, one of which is the capacity to make outrageous demands. If Jennifer Lopez travels, she reportedly asks for her hotel rooms to be completely white; everything from the walls, to the furniture, to the white candles. In order to ensure she's properly rested, the sheets must be of minimum two hundred and fifty 'thread count' Egyptian cotton and the room temperature a precise and constant 25.5 Degrees C.
When famous celebrities like 'J Lo' come to Australia, we're often so concerned that they 'like Australia'. And to help that outcome we show them the sights and interview them endlessly until they finally tell us how much they do in fact 'like Australia'.
Yet when the greatest celebrity of all visited, God, we had very little interest. Although he promised he'd come, we weren't ready. And even though he looked after us tenderly by healing and teaching us and finally offering his life to pay for our sin, we were hostile and suspicious and treated him with contempt.
The Bible records that when God's son came to earth, incarnate in human form, he made no demands for comfort of any kind. When it was time for the Virgin Mary to give birth to Jesus in the small town of Bethlehem, there was no royal reception, no soft bed or interior decoration. In fact, there wasn't even a room left at the inn that Mary so desperately needed for her labour. Instead, when he was born, the infant Jesus was put in a 'manger' or animal feed trough. Hardly a place fit for the King of creation, the one who is: 'King of Kings and Lord of Lords' (Revelation 19:16).
When Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor who sentenced Jesus to death, was interviewing Jesus, he asked him whether he really was a King. Jesus replied: "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." (John 18:37).
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for sending your son Jesus. Lord, I pray now that you would be King over my life. AMEN.