Archive Poster : April 2021
Message: Still Social Distancing from God?
It's something you took for granted isn't it? To hug someone hello. To shake a congratulatory hand. To hold that fresh new baby at that birthday BBQ or slap a mate on the back. It feels wrong to sidestep strangers, least of all a relative.
Since Covid-19, there are people who have left this earth in solitude and babies who have been born into the arms of parents yet haven't seen another face. They left the doors of the hospital and have never been passed around their village of friends and family.
The absence of such simple human connections has made a work day feel so empty and the unknown stretch of time ahead of us feel so long; but this is not new to God.
He knew about social distancing long before it became an everyday part of our 2020 vocabulary. He knew the pain of distance and separation. He knew the anguish when his only son Jesus died on the cross, and He knows the grief of separation from his children. Proverbs 8:17 says: "I love those who love me. And those who seek me diligently will find me." God gives the lonely and hurting refuge. He gives comfort to those who know his voice and nothing, not even the stresses and pains of all that 2020 brought us is too much for His love.
Are you still social distancing from the ultimate relationship? Our world has had to distance itself from each other, but you can get close to God today.
Bible Verse: "I love those who love me and those who seek me find me." Proverbs 8:17
Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for being our loving, faithful Father in heaven that understands our joys and griefs. Thank you for always hearing us when we come to you in prayer. Help us to seek you through the good times and the bad. Amen.