Poster Archive : AUGUST 2010
Message: Dont just vote for them... Pray for them
Bible verse: 1 Timothy 2:1-2 "I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way."
Have you decided who you'll vote for on August 21st?
Will you vote for Labour's leading redhead, or Liberal's lover of budgie-smugglers? Or perhaps you're fed up with both of them and are planning to go with one of the minor parties. It's possible that you don't actually care who's elected. Maybe you think that going to the polling booth is simply a waste of time.
But when the last ballots are counted you may be disappointed. You may feel unsure of how the result will affect you and your family. What can you do? Start a revolution? Move to another country?
God cares that people are looked after by their rulers. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 teaches us that we should pray for our government. They have such a tremendous and difficult duty. We should pray that our rulers will be wise in making decisions. We should pray that they consider the human rights of every Australian citizen.
And, most importantly, we should pray that they serve the living God.
It's important to remember that no politician will ever be the saviour of our nation. Only God is the Saviour of our nation! We must pray that he will lead and guide our new Prime Minister according to his will.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you that Australia is a democracy where we can live in safety and freedom. Please help the elected Government to run our nation with wisdom and discernment, and to honour you in all things. Amen.