Archive Poster : May 2024

Australians spend $1.6 billion a year on hair care. We want to remove hair from some places and grow it in others, colour and repair our hair, straighten and curl our hair, feed, wax, laser, nourish, and cut our hair.
Did you know Jesus talks about his followers' hair? In speaking to his followers about their physical safety, financial security, and outward appearance (it seems people's concerns haven't changed much in over 2000 years), Jesus assures those who trust him they are deeply known and cared for by him and his heavenly Father.
Jesus said to them, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:6-7
Jesus isn't promising Christians they will get everything they want as soon as they want it. Rather, he is calling us not to worry about the puny attempts of others to harm us or the transient glory of wealth and physical beauty. Why not worry? Because God has everything in hand. He knows the destiny of every sparrow and the details of every hair on your head. So come what may in this life, even dreaded baldness, those who publicly acknowledge Jesus as Saviour and Lord, Jesus says he will acknowledge "before the angels of God." Those who seek God first rather than worldly securities and pleasures will, in eternity, if not before, be given all things.
What does it mean to you that God knows you so intimately and cares for you so deeply? Have you made a commitment to entrust yourself to God's care and seek him above all else?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, May I trust myself into your loving care. May I acknowledge Jesus as my Lord and Saviour whatever discomfort that may bring me. Please help me to seek you above all else. Amen.
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