Outreach Media exist to promote the Christian Gospel through various media channels and to assist churches around Australia to raise the profile of the Christian message.

A primary venture of Outreach Media is the work of Outreach Posters. For over 20 years Outreach Posters have been creating and distributing promotional posters to 150 churches on a monthly basis.

The posters produced by Outreach Media are targeted towards an audience that do not regularly attend church. The posters are designed to convey a positive Biblical truth in a catchy and thought provoking way.

Many churches are located in prominent and heavily trafficked locations. The visibity of our partner churches and the significant number of poster sites across the country and in particular Sydney allow Outreach Posters to run campaigns that have an undeniable impact on the community.

Outreach Media is committed to further developing opportunities to expose the Christian message to our community and will be seeking new ways of communicating with un-churched Australians.