
Outreach Media is a non-denominational Christian organisation that exists to "promote Jesus". Our hope is that the whole world will know Jesus as Lord and saviour. The most significant undertaking of Outreach Media to date is the work of Outreach Posters.


Outreach Posters can help you make the most of your location.

With a new, gospel focused poster each month, Outreach Posters are a great tool for evangelism.

Every poster is designed to engage with the community and spark conversations.

Our posters are available in two sizes and come with a waterproof display cabinet.

Begin a conversation in your community with Outreach Posters now.

To receive further information for your church leadership team, contact Simon at admin@outreachmedia.org.au


Current poster: July 2024

Have you ever dreamed of excelling at something? Being the world's best? Having crowds cheer for you? To have people say your name with awe and speak well of you. Respect. Kudos. Glory. Fame.

A few, like Usain Bolt and Cathy Freeman, attain glory through their outstanding speed at running. For most of us such worldwide renown is never going to happen.Yet there is something in us that still wants glory of one kind or another. If it’s not standing on the winners podium at the olympics perhaps we hope to excel and be recognised in our profession; to score the winning goal, try or run in our local sport team; to receive academic awards and scholarships; get 10,000+ followers online; be the funniest person in the room; be the most attractive person in the room… Our desire for praise and honour often drives us in various areas of our lives.

Did you know the Bible says we are actually designed for glory? .....

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